What Would it be Like to Travel Inside a Black Hole?

Why would they hurt?

The closer you get to the singularity, the more significant the difference in gravitational pull is across space. And, so, parts of you that are closer to the singularity would be pulled more strongly than parts that were facing away, and your entire body would be stretched toward the singularity. The effect would be so incredible, scientists don’t usually call it stretching, they call it “Spaghettification.”

Once you reach this point, you would be dead. Your molecules would be violently ripped and stretched apart, and when they got to the singularity, well, we don’t really know what would happen. Perhaps they would completely disappear in violation of all the laws of physics, or, maybe, they would reappear elsewhere in the universe. It is believed that a moving, or spinning, black hole might actually create what is known as a “wormhole,” a way of transitioning across space faster than light. Not in any way that violates the laws of science, but in a way that takes advantage of the universe’s dimensions.


Just as a black hole does not permit light to escape, a Dumbhole is an acoustic black hole. It won’t allow sound to escape. It doesn’t have to be nearly as powerful, and scientists have been able to create Dumbhole’s in laboratories using special fluids traveling at the speed of sound.

A lot of progress still needs to be made in the world of acoustic black holes, but, we may be able to learn an amazing amount of information about how black hole’s work by looking at how sound is treated in a Dumbhole.


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