Life in Space

Life in Space

Have you ever wondered how does the life in space looks like? or How does the space affect our bodies?

We’ve all seen how people get sucked out of spaceships and get thrown into space in the Movies, but have you ever wondered how does the space affect the humans?

Physical Changes

The human body starts to behave very strangely in the microgravity of space. A person’s height can increase by up to 2.25 inches, which results in severe back pain, this is because the spine starts to straighten out once it’s free from earth’s constant pull.
Once gravity is removed, astronauts leg muscles start forcing blood and fluids into the upper body, which makes the leg girth considerably smaller.

Space Adaptation Syndrome

Since the body does not weigh anything in microgravity, the brain gets confused, which results in something called ‘Space Adaptation Syndrome’, which is basically a 2 to 3 days of horrible sickness, that starts when gravity disappears, the condition is experienced by around half of space travelers.
Modern motion-sickness medications can counter space sickness, but are rarely used because it is considered better, to allow space travelers to adapt naturally over the first few days.

Sleeping Issues

Imagining sleeping in the quiet dark of space would be simple, but in reality it’s fairly tricky, the sleeper must strap himself to a bunk in
order to avoid floating around and bumping into things, and since the space shuttle has only four bunks, some astronauts use a sleeping
bag strapped to a wall.

Space Can Ruin The Brain

Living in space can be dangerous to the brain, it can cause serious problems to people who live there for an extended amount of time, the earth’s atmosphere protects us from cosmic radiation, but once you’re outside it there is no effective protection. so the longer a person spends in space, the more his brain is affected by the radiation.

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