8 Bizarre Historical Jobs

Leech Collector Leech Collector  - 8 Bizarre Historical Jobs [Plethrons.Com]

They would wade through water until bitten by leeches that were then removed & sold. Constant open wounds, blood loss & muddy conditions made them prone to infections.


Professional Mourner Professional Mourner - 8 Bizarre Historical Jobs [Plethrons.Com]

Chinese custom prevalent since emperor WU of Han, 156BC. They were paid to bring out emotion at funerals so relatives felt comfortable grieving.


Castrato Castrato - 8 Bizarre Historical Jobs [Plethrons.Com]

Castrated male sopranos or contraltos who had unparalleled voices. Their limbs & ribs grew longer, giving them better lung capacity.


Gong Farmer Gong Farmer - 8 Bizarre Historical Jobs [Plethrons.Com]

Gong farmers had to stand, sometimes up to their necks, in human excrement. and collect it. They were only allowed to work at night & lived in designated areas.

[divider] Source: BBC, Telegrapgh.co.uk, Sciencemuseum.org, History.com

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